외국인이 한 한국인 양심테스트

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제목 : 외국인이 한 한국인 양심테스트
댓글 0 조회   632

작성자 : 노오오력충
게시글 보기

I decided to do a social experiment of losing my wallet to test out how honest Koreans are really going to be. I have heard many times that there's almost no crime in Korea, but I wanted to put that to a real test. Are they gonna give me my wallet back, or walk away with it? The outcome of the experiment seemed to appear pretty early, everyone gave me my wallet back an there wasn't a single person who kept it for himself/herself. What do you think, was I just really lucky, are is this always the case in Korea?

There may be many different situations where the outcome can differ, but this is just a test made for fun, so it doesn't mean that Koreans would always act the same in any given circumstances.

노오오력충님의 최신 글
  • 2
    1596 05.27
+ 마리오 경험치 TOP 10 랭킹
  • 1 폭스 3,439,900 EXP
  • 2 마에스테른 2,397,600 EXP
  • 3 꿀맛 1,953,650 EXP
  • 4 허슬 1,645,400 EXP
  • 5 겜블러 1,578,250 EXP
  • 6 호수 1,516,650 EXP
  • 7 비에스리 1,411,500 EXP
  • 8 하늘땅별땅님 1,392,000 EXP
  • 9 재벌입성 1,386,700 EXP
  • 10 한나라당 1,383,100 EXP